- 1 week old puppy found on the street
- Dogs are happy to see Mallika again
- luckily she is hungry!
Being a dog on one of these Caribbean islands is not always easy. Susie, who already lives in Union Island for over 20 years, wanted to improve the quality of life for not only these dogs, but for all the animals on the island. She has dedicated her whole life to this. As care giver and vet assistant she lives permanently at the shelter of SGAK (Southern Grenadines Animal Kindness). But because there is no permanent vet on the island she also comes into situations where she is not only the vet assistent. She often has to make decisions where normally a vet decides. When I first saw her and the shelter, I was touched by her unlimited love for all the dogs and cats around her. Being a vet myself, I could see how desperate Union Island needs a vet to help Susie out. Since then, whenever we anchor in Union Island, I visit her to see if some help is needed and to cuddle with all the friendly animals there :-). Thank you, Susie, for being one of those rare persons in the world, who really cares for others! www.animalkindness.net