From beginning to end, the journey was divine
Dear Yemaya
Your beautiful spirit made me enjoy the sea, sun and wind. The beautiful views with impressive mountains and nature. You cradled me in “your” arms which allowed me to sleep wonderfully. You and Deep have a fantastic and special bond and I am grateful that I was able to feel your strength and beauty with the support of Deep.
Thank you Deep and Fransciska for your inspiring meditations, the sociability, insights, the tasteful and loving meals. the moments of silence and awareness but most of all for your openness, warmth and sharing of your heart. The music of Deep has given an extra dimension to this.
I found my peace, super that we were picked up from the airport. The yoga and mindfulness were very nice, the connection with the group, also the confrontations with myself. I was allowed to help on the catamaran.
The snorkeling, the singing, the drumming, the looking at the starry sky gives a lot of joy. I was able to let go which made me at peace with myself, experiencing love for myself again.
The simplicity of the rhythm of the day was wonderful, start with waking up with the flute of the Deep with yoga and silence. Franciska is very sensitive and brings her Mindfulness in a loving way with each day a theme, enrichment and peace, and gratitude.
Beautiful to swim in clear salt water. On the catamaran we could be ourselves because of the freedom we were given which allowed us to enjoy vacation.
Thank you from Henriëtte