Do you want to inspire your employees to achieve more with less stress? Do you want to increase the mental resilience of your employees in a way that is fun and adventurous?
As an employer, you have a duty of care and a training obligation with regard to the welfare and sustainable employability of your employees. You want to do something for your team that is fun, adventurous and educational. Give your employees a mental boost in these difficult and uncertain times!
According to scientific research, sickness at work is often stress related. In the Netherlands, 35% of long-term absence from work is caused by psychological problems. And 25% of long-term absence from work is stress related.
Let your employees relax on the gentle swell of the IJsselmeer or on the azure-blue Ionian Sea. Let your employees experience what it’s like to be at the helm as a team, setting the course together and hoisting the sails together. This inspiration sailing trip strengthens the bond within your team in a playful way.
In this sailing trip to personal leadership your team will learn how to keep calm and balanced during work and how to keep an effective course in heavy weather (such as high work pressure, corona crisis, etc.).
It is scientifically proven that you can train your mind to live and work less from the survival mode and more from calmness and relaxation. The result is that you live and work more effectively with less stress. This leads to better performance and more contentment and ease. This training has a positive effect on your team and on your organisation as a whole.
Sailing for personal leadership and a team outing playfully combined

What does our @ The Helm inspiration sailing trip to personal leadership for teams entail?
Our inspiration sailing trips @The Helm for teams are unique. We combine the principles of mindfulness, zen and neuropsychology with the principles of good ocean sailing. Deep is a sailor who sailed around the world and Francisca is a certified mindfulness trainer, lawyer and Zen monk. Together they will inspire your team to discover that managing your mindset is the key to personal leadership and effectiveness. Why is this effective? Because you can’t control the waves, but you can learn to sail by training your mind and brain.
Our @ The Helm inspiration sailing journeys are scientifically based, practical and adventurous. Enjoy sailing and training in personal leadership combined in a playful way!
The six modules of the @ The Helm inspiration sailing trip for teams
Your team is welcome on board for a one-day or multi-day sailing trip. On the beautiful IJsselmeer or in Greece, where we sail between beautiful islands in the Ionian Sea. Your team members will literally experience what it is like to be at the helm. Because “at the helm” here is a metaphor for personal leadership.
Your team sails in six modules (etappes) towards personal leadership in life and work.
During etappe 1 your team cultivates the mentality of a curious, adventurous traveller/sailor. We call this the “Traveller’s Mind”. This mindset helps your team to approach work, team members and challenges with a curious, open mind. Scientific research shows that this mindset increases the creativity and effectiveness of the members of your team.
Now, with the help of the Traveller Mind, your team is ready to sail the other 5 etappes of our @ The Helm training. (You can read more about the 6 stages on this page).
You can choose how many etappes your team sails on board. Each etappe represents a day and a theme. If your team doesn’t sail all six etappes on board, your team members will receive the remaining etappes online via our online training @ The Helm. This combination of sailing, on-board training and online training is unique!
As an employer, why should you invest in an @the Helm inspiration sailing trip?
☑️Did you know that a sailing journey strengthens the team bond and relaxes the mind: very conducive to effective and enjoyable learning?
☑️Did you know that in recent decades (according to the National Center of Biotechnology Information in the US) the ability to focus of the average worker has dropped to less than that of a goldfish ? Have you ever wondered what that means for the productivity and efficiency of your employees?
☑️Did you know that the average employee wastes 46.9 percent of his or her working time due to distraction? Have you ever thought about what that means for you as an employer and for the employee himself?
☑️Did you know that employers in the Netherlands spend 11 billion Euros annually on costs for absence from work , 22% of absenteeism is related to stress and burn out and 14% of employees annually report burn out complaints?
So it is pure profit to invest in the ability of your employees to achieve more with less stress. For yourself and for your team. After all, more effective living and working not only leads to more success, but also to more contentment. And thus to more peace, stability and job satisfaction in your organization.

Sailing for personal leadership and a team outing playfully combined
Let your employees relax on the gentle swell of the IJsselmeer or on the azure-blue Ionian Sea.
In this sailing trip to personal leadership your team will learn how to keep calm and balanced while working and how to keep an effective course in heavy weather (such as high workload, corona crisis etc.).
What does my team learn from an @The Helm inspiration sailing trip?
After sailing our inspiration sailing journey your team will have the tools to stay at the helm of life and work and manoeuvre through ‘heavy weather’. Your team members will learn:
☑️Work more effective and enjoyable together
☑️To take on the daily challenges from strength and see life and work as an adventurous journey
☑️To strengthen their focus
☑️To anchor themselves in the now and to live in the moment. This is how your team members increase their effectiveness
☑️To be more relaxed in life and work, even when it’s busy and stressful
☑️To be more relaxed in life and work, even when it’s busy and stressful
☑️To deal with stress from strength
☑️To tap into their creativity and ingenuity
☑️To train their brains to respond from wisdom rather than automatically
☑️To experience more contentment, gratitude and happiness in life and work
What will your team receive from our @ The Helm Inspiration Sailing Trip?
- A wonderful one-day or multi-day sailing trip at sea in Greece or on the IJsselmeer
- Six modules of our @ The Helm inspiration Sailing Trip for personal leadership. The six modules will be done entirely on board or partly virtually through our online training, at the choice of you and your team. Packed with practical exercises, such as the body scan, exercises to strengthen focus and concentration, exercises to skillfully deal with thoughts, emotions, stress etc. All anchored in the principles of good seamanship, mindfulness and neuropsychology. With regular guidance, so your team members can exchange experiences, ask questions etc.
- Our @The Helm Magazine on a regular basis, with inspirations, practical tips and exercises and much more.
In this way, the real “new way of working” can be firmly anchored. Your team members can benefit from the tools of the @tH method for the rest of their lives!
Found it a very nice and instructive training!
The training material is neat and tidy.
The trainer gives understandable explanations.
The trainer makes a good translation to practice with personal attention.
Hopefully I will keep the insights
for a long time!
We are happy to provide customization for you and your team, based on the program requirements. Please contact us to discuss the possibilities:

We invite you to take the helm
Give your team the gift of better performance with less stress! A sustainable team project! We invite you to take the helm and sign up for an adventurous training for your team.
Leadership is not a one-time experience. It is an ongoing process; you constantly keep your course and your values in mind and you try to adjust your life accordingly.
(Stephen .R . Covey)