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A soft, relaxed way to open up more to everything around you


Chanting the word AUM (Soetra 39 from The Book of Secrets volume I by Osho).
Sit down with eyes closed and spine erect. Start chanting the word AUM out loud and feel the vibration in your whole body. Maybe you start a bit uneasy, but when you come into it you will start liking it and probably your voice becomes steadier and louder. Let it happen and feel the sound everywhere. After a while you start to diminish the volume of your voice slowly. Go on with that and feel the shift from hearing the sound outwards to hearing it inwards. Notice that the sound goes on in your body. Deeper and deeper in your body, your cells and that every cell is singing AUM. Also after you stop the chanting totally, it will go on in your whole body. Slowly this also will get less and less. Stay with it and be a witness. Wait for the next shift from vibration to stillness and let the door to your inner world open…

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