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We are the only one’s on the quiet river and we stare into the dense jungle hoping to spot some wildlife. Beautiful metallic blue kingfishers are sitting on the lower branches of the trees and above our heads,
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TEKST Mallika and BEELD Deep. Laatste update: 12 December 2018.
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Just after sunrise the five of us step in the dinghy, ready for an expedition in Gilim Geoforest parc. We are the only one’s on the quiet river and we stare into the dense jungle hoping to spot some wildlife. Beautiful metallic blue kingfishers are sitting on the lower branches of the trees and above our heads, high in the sky, the Brahminy kites are already circling in the air. Suddenly we see a lot of movement in the water close to the mangroves. At least 8 little heads are swimming together. Swimming monkeys doesn’t make sense, although we saw monkeys playing in the water before, like little kids. But swimming like this…. When we get closer, we realise they are little otter heads, who are staring at us. They don’t like this big thing coming at them and they dive down. Slowly we follow them a little bit further and are fascinated by the way they graciously move through the water to the other side of the river. With one disturbed look at us, they vanish in between the roots of the mangrove again. These little guys made our day!
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We are happy that we will share our november sailing holiday with Fiona, Alison and Peter. They already sailed with us before in the Caribbean and we had a very nice sailing holiday with them. We pick them up in Telaga harbour and, while having a nice cup of coffee together with a homemade muffin, we immediately set sail to Koh Lipe. This little island is one of the most southern island group in Thailand. Because it is only 20 miles away from Langkawi and beautiful for its snorkeling, we decide to go there. Not much wind that day, which makes we have time enough to catch up with each other about the last 2.5 year we didn’t see each other.
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Every morning we started the day with a relaxing yoga and meditation session. Followed by a delicious breakfast with a 360° view on the ocean and a beautiful bay, enjoying the stillness of nature. We decide together what we would like to do: nice sailing or first a beautiful hike.. After a few days of enjoying the little islands of Thailand, we return back to Langkawi and visit the Kilim Geoforest parc. After our breathtaking expedition in the dinghy we notice that the other boats full of tourists are awake now. They pass us full speed and are looking at those strange foreigners who are in this little boat going so incredibly slow. When they see we are not having a problem, but are enjoying the slow speed, they start smiling and waving at us. We decide to go back onboard, to hoist the sails and leave the noise of countless engines to go to our next destination: Pulau Tabu. On the last day of our sailing holiday together we visit this island, situated south of the main island Langkawi and rent some scooters. It is like visiting the main island 50 years ago. We love to visit the little villages and to have lunch at one of the many cute ‘warungs’ (little restaurants). We also visit a beautiful, big cave high in the jungle and very well protected. It seems the locals in Langkawi used this cave to take shelter during the second world war when they were under attack of the Japanese. The next morning we bring Fiona, Alison and Peter to the shore of Kuah, the capital. That evening we enjoy the local dishes at the weekly foodfair in Kuah and than it is time to say goodbye…. We really hope we will meet this lovely people again soon! Probably somewhere on the gorgeous islands of Greece
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Een “zeilen in Langkawi” foto serie:
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