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For me it had been one of the first topics on my bucket list for a long time: swimming or diving with the majestic manta rays.
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text and image by Mallika. Last update: 24 September 2018.
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Komodo National parc is mainly well known because of the unique Komodo dragons. These prehistorical, gigantic reptiles are still living there on some of the islands. It is a fascinating experience to see these animals up close. To watch their movements, smell their smell and hear their noises.
Not less fascinating however is to encounter the underwater world of Komodo. During one of our meditation sailing holidays, we were lucky to be there during manta ray season.
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Swimming with manta ray had been one of the first topics on my bucket list for a long time: swimming or diving with the majestic manta rays. To meet those giant creatures close by seemed to me an ultimate experience.
The manta ray can grow up to a size of 7 meters wide and 10 meters long, with a maximum weight of 3 ton. Most of them are dark or black on the top with their bellies being spotless white. This make them look smaller than they really are. Like giant birds they move smoothly through the waters, dancing their magical dance graciously.
You can only watch them dancing in oceans close to the equator. They belong to the cartilaginous fishes, which means their skeleton is solely made out of cartilage. They are family of the sharks, but to me their appearances make them look a lot more docile and cuddly.
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During one of our sailing and meditation holidays in november 2017 we sailed along Komodo and anchored in the National parc close to a diving spot with lots of manta rays. Excited we pulled on our diving gear, jumped in the dinghy and went for a dive. As soon as we entered te water and started our descend, we saw a manta ray graciously flying through the water. What hit me the most was its peacefulness and serenity. I was swimming with Manta rays and a mindblowing stillness engulfed me. Often they swim around with open mouth to be able to catch the plankton and small fishes. What an impressive and fascinating sight!
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When we came up again, we removed our dive equipment. Suddenly a big manta ray jumped out of the water very close to our dinghy, to dive back in again with a tremendous noise. I grapped my mask and snorkel and jumped in the water after him. Soon I saw it swimming underneath me. It seemed to be as curious as me and came up to me. While getting closer he turned his gigantic white belly towards me and almost touched me with its belly. It seems they do this when they like you. Lucky me!
More manta rays were coming out of nowhere and we counted 8 of them. They started swimming around us one after the other. This spectacle was beyond words. They graciously moved around us dancing their meditative dance. So full of grace, serenity and peacefulness and yet also being very curious towards us. It was beyond words and it felt like a deep spiritual experience. Sometimes they came so close that the tip of their wings gently touched our bodies.
Full of silence, respect and gratefulness we went back to the boat after this magical encounter. This memory will stay forever imprinted in our hearts.
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